At the Vote Men PAC, we are Americans who want to reestablish the lost wisdom of the Founding Fathers in relation to the place of men and women in society by participating in the political process with the purpose of electing men. We affirm the truth that men are definitional leaders and women are definitional followers.

Vote Men PAC founder, Cody Davis, pictured alongside Abbeville Institute founder Don Livingston (Mr. Livingston is not affiliated with the VMPAC)

The Founding Fathers of this country had a lot of wisdom that we’ve lost today. Many people dismiss them out of hand because they practiced slavery or because they claim mistreatment of the American Indians, but the fact is that the patriarch Abraham had slaves, the Mosaic law sanctioned and regulated slavery, and God commanded the Israelites to systematically eliminate the Canaanites when they took the land of Israel. So if we’re to throw out the temporal founding fathers as well as the spiritual founding fathers of this country because they offend modern sensibilities, then we’re left with nothing. And that’s the battle that is being fought in the culture today. It’s between life and death, good and evil.

I believe that the United States are worth existing, and that they’re worth fighting for. But the fighting needs to be done tactfully. Many in American politics today don’t know their right from their left, and they’re not focused on the correct things. The reason is because our foundation is broken. The foundation being the relationship between men and women. If the relations between men and women in any society are unhealthy, then that society will never progress. It will always fall into stagnation and eventually die. Our founding fathers had the wisdom to understand this truth and they deliberately chose to exclude women from their political system. This wasn’t because they hadn’t considered any other way of doing things. In fact, John Adams’ wife wrote him a letter in 1776 urging him to give women more authority in the nascent United States, and even threatened rebellion if they didn’t get their way. John Adams responded by writing that men knew better than to give up their masculine systems, and that he hoped, in the event of female rebellion, that the men of the society would fight against the “despotism of the peticoat,” as he called it.

Today, we need strong men to lead boldly, who will foster a healthy relation between men and women that allows both to flourish in their respective spheres. We need men to lead and women to follow. It’s in pursuit of this goal that the Vote Men PAC exists, and we hope you’ll donate today.

Is This A Partisan Organization?

VMPAC is a nonpartisan organization. However, we acknowledge that the goal of the VMPAC may appeal more to Republicans/Right-leaning Independents, rather than Democrats/Left-leaning Independents.